How to perform a legal paternity test correctly?

While it is true that you can buy a paternity test on the Internet, the results of this type of test are not valid in legal proceedings. Basically, because certain steps must be followed in order to perform a legal paternity test. The first thing to keep in mind is that the samples must be taken by a person certified to do so. It cannot be done by just anyone. If they are not certified to take samples, the results obtained from that test will be invalid. The second thing to keep in mind when performing a legal paternity test is that it must be done in a certified place. Examples include clinics, hospitals, mobile collection units, etc. Make sure that both the person taking the samples and the place to do it are certified.

Know the process step by step

There are laboratories that facilitate everything related to this type of testing. These labs must be accredited and approved so that their results can be used in court. The first thing to do in a legal paternity test is to obtain the samples. To do this, you must make an appointment with the laboratory to find out where and when the samples will be taken. It is not necessary for all participants to attend at the same time or date. Once the samples have been collected, they are sent directly to the laboratory in tamper-proof packaging. This is important to maintain the chain of custody of the samples. The legal paternity test samples are analyzed by two separate teams to ensure their effectiveness. Once the results are obtained, the laboratory will send the test participants all necessary documentation to be used in any legal proceeding.

Is any documentation required to perform a legal paternity test?

When you perform a test at home, no documentation is required. You only need the parties involved to agree to take the test. However, you will be required to provide certain documentation to perform a legal paternity test. The person in charge of taking the samples will verify your identity document to validate that you are who you say you are. Photographs will also be taken of each of the participants and they will be required to sign an agreement where they agree to have saliva samples taken for the legal paternity test. All of this guarantees that the people who participate in the test do so voluntarily and that they will accept the results obtained.

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