How can you find out the gender of your baby?

When you are pregnant, you can’t wait until your baby is born and you can hold it in your arms. In your head you have probably already bought a whole wardrobe and come up with twenty different baby names. Although many parents do not have a strong preference for the gender of their future child, everyone is very curious about it. If you know the gender of your child you can really start preparing. There are several ways to find out. In this article we explain more about an ultrasound and the peekaboo gender test. An ultrasound is most used, but a peekaboo gender test also has some major advantages you need to know and that’s the reason why it’s good to read here more about.

An ultrasound scan

From about 16 weeks of pregnancy you can be reasonably sure of the sex of your baby. Many people find out at the 20-week ultrasound what the gender is. This ultrasound looks for physical abnormalities, but the ultrasound technician will often also ask if you want to know the gender. The sex determination is not an official part of this ultrasound and the ultrasound technician does not have to look at it. Can’t wait until the 20-week ultrasound to determine the gender? Perhaps you can apply the nub theory to your child’s ultrasound. With the theory, you can sometimes predict the sex of your baby between 12 and 14 weeks. Then there are special pre-echo’s, with which you can sometimes see the gender as early as 14 weeks. There is a chance that it is not yet visible. From 17 weeks it is almost always clearly visible whether you are having a boy or a girl. Do you want to share the gender of your baby with everyone? Then a gender reveal is a fun way to do so.

A peekaboo gender test

If you really can’t wait and want to know the gender of your unborn child as soon as possible, you can also do a peekaboo gender test. The great advantage of this test is that you can see what the gender will be after seven weeks. The peekaboo gender test can show the gender so early in the pregnancy because it uses the latest DNA science. Many people recommend a peekaboo gender test because you can do it easily at home and it is safe for both the mother and the unborn baby.

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